Jul 29, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
It’s been an interesting week, one way or another and not because our calves were born, because we’re still waiting patiently on that score. To explain I need just for a moment, to take you back to before the summer began, the 23rd May to be exact. Picture the scene,...
Jul 22, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
Do you remember me saying that I’d built all these outdoor activities for the goats and that hopefully it would keep them entertained, particularly the new kids? Well it hasn’t! Initially I had only moved Stacey and her twin kids to their new pen, but late last week I...
Jul 15, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
You may recall, that earlier in the year I had our top cow field ploughed, harrowed and seeded. After initially struggling due to a lack of rain, the seed kicked into life a few months back, and has been flying ever since. My biggest concern recently has been the...
Jul 8, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
It was a sunny Thursday afternoon and time to give the cows some hay. I’ve been holding off putting them into the newly grown top field until our calves arrive. So I’ve been topping them up every so often, without encouraging them to be putting on too much weight as I...
Jul 1, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
As the weather has been warmer this week we’ve had new challenges to deal with. Under normal circumstances I would check all of our water troughs and feeders each morning and again in the evening, but during the warmer weather that has to be increased. It’s weird, but...