Jun 24, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
Our Betty’s been in a right mood all week! Generally she’s been staying in the house and keeping herself to herself, but all of a sudden her mood just changed and it’s not a pretty sight. I have obviously discussed her with Wendy and you’d think after living with...
Jun 17, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
Thinking back, I was a right pain each time Wendy got near the end of every one of her pregnancies. I’m not the most patient of people and the thing is it’s that time once again as we reach towards the end of a number of pregnancies around the farm and it’s driving me...
Jun 10, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
I have been confused for the last few days because I’ve almost had my hair parted by a swallow that has rapidly vacated the hen house each morning as I open their front door. What’s confusing about that, you might think, well the thing is, there isn’t a nest in there...
Jun 3, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
It was just a single bark that woke me that morning. Scout the eldest of our three border terriers, as well as losing his hearing, has taken to alerting me that he needs to go and spend a penny. Unfortunately this so often happens at some unearthly hour and even...
May 27, 2017 | Living The Dream (Yorkshire Post)
It was time to be getting more of those seedlings out of the greenhouse and planted out in the fresh air this last week and so Wendy and I set too clearing any weeds that had appeared over recent weeks in the veg patch. Merrily busying away we were when I heard a...