ONE OF the most rewarding things about living our dream has been the opportunity which we have been afforded to meet people.
In so many instances these chance meetings have proved to be such a blessing to us. Life has introduced to us to so many characters, in fact wonderful people who are just going about their daily lives unaware that they are an inspiration to many they come into contact with and are touching the lives of those around them.
I would like to tell you about one particular inspiration whom we met in the summer 2014.
We first came into contact with Margaret when she left a note inside our honesty jar after purchasing some of our eggs from Wendy’s cart outside the gate.
The note was an I.O.U which was telling us that she owed us around 76 pence and would return at a later date to clear her debt.
The note had been written on the back of a reminder card for her exercise class – which was not remarkable in itself but at that time we were unaware that Margaret was actually in her 86th year.
A few weeks later, true to her word Margaret rolled up at our door with the outstanding coppers in her hand.
Margaret has become a regular at The Ginger Cow Company and if truth be known, is now more of a friend than she is a customer.
She calls by regularly and each time she visits she unknowingly brightens up our day.
How she has packed so much into her life, I don’t know. On many an occasion we have taken her by the arm and walked around the farm as she has recounted tales from her early years in Merseyside, told us of her links to ‘Auld Reekie’ and countless experiences whilst working in the mental health arena.
On a regular basis Margaret has entertained us with anecdotes from her time singing for the BBC in her youth and her adventures as she has travelled across the globe.
We have been given gardening advice and tips, had fresh cuttings from her garden and gifts hand delivered to our post box, many times.
Wendy regularly receives letters from Margaret, each one brightening up her day and these are typed up on an old type writer, which I’m sure would have many a tale to tell if it could speak.
Like so many of our lovely customers in the summer months, she has brought family and friends for a visit.
More often than not though, you could observe that solitary figure perched on a bench, under a parasol, tackling yet another crossword, which never appears to put up much of a fight at all, and all the while she has a drink in the peace and tranquillity around her.
For someone who could on the face of it appear to be rather fragile and frail, she does in fact possess a great enthusiasm and vigour for life – which is a credit to a lady of such mature years.
Maybe the secret to her vigour and vim actually lies in what she has told us she gets up to in the early hours of the morning. Remarkably, Margaret claims that she rises early to roll in the early morning dew… in her birthday suit.
So, when the weather gets a little warmer I may just give it a go myself – avert your eyes Highlands.